I need to relieve myself Randy. I never intended for things to go this far except on live sex cams, but you’ve gotten me so excited that I can’t stand it any longer. I need to cum too, she whispered hoarsely. Let me suck your cock while I stimulate my clitoris. When you get ready to cum again, I want you to do it all over my breasts. Lets do it in real like we did on live sex cam.
She captured as much as she could mouth of the young mans throbbing cock and began frantically sucking and tonguing it while masturbating her excited clitoris. When her orgasm came in a few minutes, she was so wrapped up in her own climax that she forgot her excited student momentarily and nearly got a mouthful of his cum. Randy managed to extract himself from her greedy mouth at the last possible moment and sprayed her dangling orbs with his warm, slick ejaculate. Connie continued frigging herself with one hand while she rubbed her students cum into her massive tits with the other. And all that began on live sex cam.
Randy watched webcam sex in lewd fascination as the horny teacher masturbated herself to another climax while rubbing his cum into her jiggling breasts. As she began to regain her composure, he tucked his semi hard penis back into his jeans and waited on her next move, all that is possible on private sex chat room.
I do hope you’ll keep what just happened a secret, Connie gasped as her senses returned. I don’t now what came over me just now.
I guess we both needed a sexual release, Randy replied. I wouldn’t think of telling anybody Ms. Baxter. Could we do it again sometime?
Are you serious Randy? Do I really turn you on that much? she asked. Aren’t my big old saggy breasts a turn off?
No mam. They really turn me on something awful, he replied, feeling his cock beginning to harden again as he watched her stuff her massive, cum streaked tits back into her bra.
Well, she said. In that case why don’t you drop by my house tonight around eight- o- clock. We’ll have plenty of privacy and you can play with my tits and fuck me to your hearts content. Promise me that you won’t jack off between now and tonight though. It won’t be like on sex webcam but its even better it will be real.